Name: |
Miles McGee ( mil3sdavis ) Site: Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) |
Status: |
Approved |
Species: |
Amphiprion ocellaris "Darwin black"
( Class:
, Points Awarded:
Journal Thread: |
Spawn Date: |
05/07/2014 |
Time of Spawn: |
Tank Parameters
Temperature: |
80 ° F
PH: |
Salinity: |
( Gallons) |
Dimensions: |
48" X
18" X
2x Ecotech Radion XR30W Gen 2 LED fixtures
Lighting Shedule:
16 hour (sunrise at 6am, sunset at 10pm, moonlighting from midnight to 6am)
Aqueon ProFlex Model 4 Sump with filter socks and Reef Octopus NWB150 protein skimmer
Brood Stock Data
Size of Female: |
about 3"
Size of Male: |
about 2"
Age of Female: |
at least 5.5 years
Age of Male: |
at least 5.5 years
Time Together:
(how long have you had the pair before this event)
at least 5.5 years, previous owner purchased them together in Feb 2009. I took possession of them in Dec 2011. They spawned previously in 2011, but have recently began spawning again.
Food: |
New Life Spectrum Pellets, Frozen brine and mysis, Reef Frenzy
Feeding Schedule:
Auto feeder feeds pellets twice a day, frozen generally 2-3 times a week
Spawn Details
Pre-Spawn Behavior: |
The day before the spawn the male begins cleaning the nest site. The day of the spawn, the male cleans until spawn and the female becomes territorial chasing other fish away.
Spawning Behavior:
Female makes several passes depositing eggs, the male fertilizes the eggs between passes, and fans them.
Post Spawn Behavior:
Female retreats into host (toadstool leather), male stays near eggs fanning them regularly.
Egg Details
Size: |
about 2-3mm in length
Color: |
Quantity: |
about 200
they look like little grains of orange rice with one end anchored to the rock
rock directly behind and below the mantle of the toadstool leather
Other Details:
Images provided in journal are of spawn from 4/21/2014 which was not collected, all reports refer to second spawn on 5/7/2014 (eggs laid in different location which is very difficult to photograph). Second spawn was collected.