Name: |
Richard Ramos ( rjramos ) Site: |
Status: |
Approved |
Species: |
Ecsenius midas
( Class:
, Points Awarded:
Journal Thread: |
Spawn Date: |
06/24/2013 |
Time of Spawn: |
10:30 am
Tank Parameters
Temperature: |
78,79 ° F
PH: |
Salinity: |
( Gallons) |
Dimensions: |
48" X
24" X
2-250W Metal Halide, 2 65W power compact actinic.
Lighting Shedule:
Power compacts 10am-9pm, Metal Halides 12pm-6pm
Refugium with Mud, Growing Chaeto, 65w powercompact on 24hrs. MRC Protein Skimmer. Floss Pad for mechanical filtration.
Brood Stock Data
Size of Female: |
app. 3 1/2"
Size of Male: |
app 4"
Age of Female: |
Around 8 months.
Age of Male: |
App. 1 year.
Time Together:
(how long have you had the pair before this event)
8 months
Food: |
2 cubes Frozen brine and 2 cubes mysis shrimp, sometimes live brine. Hang nori seaweed daily.
Feeding Schedule:
1/ day.
Spawn Details
Pre-Spawn Behavior: |
Some chasing around (male chasing female) but not seen together at spawn site too much. Just the male alone at spawn site. 6/22/13,app 1030 am courting behavior observed both fish at spawn site no eggs. Male with dark head. Video on photo bucket showing activity.
Spawning Behavior:
Only noted the fish together at spawn site when the light were off early morning or at night. Otherwise, they each went to there seperate holes. On Tuesday, 6/25/13, day after spawn both fish in spawn site together. After this time, until eggs hatched, female did not come into spawn site anymore.
Post Spawn Behavior:
Unlike perculas I've had spawn before, the male is with the eggs alone, the female does not seem to tend to eggs at all. She spends most of her time swimming around foraging and in her den. The typical clown fish behavior of blowing and fanning the eggs has not been observed.
Egg Details
Size: |
less than 1mm
Color: |
they start off clear to white changing to brownish with a gold glow.
Quantity: |
approx. 200-250
They dont tend to sway with water movement like clown fish eggs do. Round eggs not oval.
Within a deep crevase in an 18yo Pearl Bubble, a really big coral, Past clown spawns I've had have been on this same coral.
Other Details:
This is the third Midas blenny spawn in about 2 months! The first time the eggs disappeared at about the 7-8 day since I noted them. The second spawn, on the 7-8 day,app 2 hrs after lights went out, I noted the larvae swimming around the front glass and the eggs depleting. I managed to scoop some of the larvae out with a net and placed them in a mesh net in my refugium. I had to go work the next day and I could not provide more for them at the time. When I got back from work(24 hrs). All but a few were dead. I have been a reefhobbyist for about 25 yrs with lots of experience, although, I have no experience with breeding, not even the percula spawns. I have a mesh pen set up in the refugium now and gonna watch Tues and wed. night for hatching. Any info, help, tips, will be greatly appreciated. Im probably gonna need rotifers too.