Name: |
Nicholas Schuetz ( Hellaenergy ) Site: Twin Cities Marine Aquarium Society |
Status: |
Approved |
Species: |
Amphiprion percula
( Class:
, Points Awarded:
Journal Thread: |
Spawn Date: |
11/10/2010 |
Time of Spawn: |
Sometime between 10am and 6pm
Tank Parameters
Temperature: |
PH: |
8.0 to 8.2
Salinity: |
( Gallons) |
Dimensions: |
20 1/4 X
10 1/2 X
12 9/16
2 x T5
Lighting Shedule:
14hrs - 7:30am to 21:30pm
AquaClear 20 HOB Filter
Brood Stock Data
Size of Female: |
Size of Male: |
Age of Female: |
Age of Male: |
Time Together:
(how long have you had the pair before this event)
Unknown. I bought them as a breeding pair. I've had them since July 2010.
Food: |
Selcon Enriched Brine Shrimp, Jumbo Mysis, Nutrimar Ova and Pellets.
Feeding Schedule:
Twice Daily, Morning and Evening. Sometimes an additional feeding is provided late evening.
Spawn Details
Pre-Spawn Behavior: |
They both took turns cleaning their pot. The female acted rather aggressive towards the male chasing him away showing dominance during this process. She runs the show.
Spawning Behavior:
Post Spawn Behavior:
Male and Female tend to the eggs. When there is no perceived threat both tend to fan their eggs and mouth them lightly (not eating them). When there is a perceived threat the female acts rather, what I would call aggressive, coming out from inside their post in the pot and bobbing her head up and down causing somewhat of a distraction away from the eggs. While she is doing that the male continues to stay by the eggs. This is the case during feeding as well. The male never comes out to eat in my presents during this time.
Egg Details
Size: |
1 mm
Color: |
Quantity: |
Eggs have taken on the color of the pot which is clay orange. I believe them to be translucent at this point. They are attached to the pot. They wave when fanned by the fish. They look like tiny little half capsule pills.
They are located on the bottom arch of the left side of the pot.
Other Details:
This is their second spawning in this tank. The first spawning they either ate their eggs or the fry hatched and got consumed by the parents or the filter. I've since replaced the pot with a cleaner bigger one and performed a 50% water change. They thankfully haven't missed a beat.