Methodologies |
Feeding Tactics/Medium: |
about 1ml of rotigrow plus every other day and about 4ml of AlgaGen PhycoPure™ Copepod Blend every other day opposite the rotigrow, also add chloramX about 1 ml a day. After about a month I ran out of the PhycoPure copepod blend so I have been using just the rotigrow plus and it seems to be working just fine.
Split Cycle: |
not a set schedule but every couple weeks as the cultures recover from the last harvest. |
Split Yield: |
unknown numbers but at least a couple hundred adults per culture |
Number of Cultures: |
three |
Number of Splits: |
two so far |
Density: |
unknown numbers
Harvest Methology: |
I harvest by pouring one culture through a sieve and then use my two remaining cultures to make three again. I then add fresh saltwater at 1.025 to make three full cultures again. |
Adjustments Made: |
The only adjustment made since starting is I am now out of the Phycopure blend so I only feed them the rotigreen plus. This hasn't shown to cause any change. |