General |
Name: |
Ignacio Galarza ( ignatz ) Site: Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) |
Species: |
Amphiprion ocellaris ( Class: A, Points: 15 )
Link to Journal: |
Settlement Start Date: |
8 Days After Hatching
Settlement End Date: |
Tank Parameters |
Temperature: |
80F |
PH: |
Not measured. |
Specific Gravity: |
1.025 |
Size: (Gallons) |
10G - Initially filled with 5G from parent's tank. |
Dimensions: |
20" X
10" X
Lighting: |
1 - 15" T8 in a really old desk lamp. Additionally, the tank gets substantial light from 2 4' shop lights that I'm using to culture phyto.
Lighting Schedule: |
~ 16/On - 8/Off. No timer has resulted in more than one day of 20on/4off or 12On/12Off.
Filtration: |
Two air hoses on opposite ends of the tank provide circulation. Live phyto, water exchanges from the parent's tank and Prime. Lots of manual bottom siphoning.
Settlement Details |
Date of Hatch |
Hatch Time: |
After 12AM and before 5AM |
Fry Count:
( at Hatch ) |
Estimated 150 |
Fry Count:
( at Settlement ) |
Estimated 50 |
Fry Size: |
3/8" |
Food: |
Rotifers, Varied dry food, bbs. |
Feeding Schedule: |
3+ times per day as food is available and I'm able. |
Fry Description: (Pre Settlement) |
The fry looked very much the same as they did when first hatched only bigger. |
Fry Description: (Post Settlement) |
Miniature clowns |
Other Details |
Other Information: |
There are one or two stragglers that still aren't showing any signs of juvenile coloration or stripes but are large and vigorous so I'm guessing they are likely extreme mis-bars. |