General |
Name: |
Ken Rood ( Lrood ) Site: Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) |
Species: |
Lysmata boggessi ( Class: B, Points: 40 )
Link to Journal: |
Settlement Start Date: |
30 Days After Hatching
Settlement End Date: |
Tank Parameters |
Temperature: |
79 ° F |
PH: |
estimated 8.0-8.1 (ASW changes from main tank) |
Specific Gravity: |
1.025 |
Size: (Gallons) |
Rubbermaid frag tub, contains approx 9 gallons |
Dimensions: |
18" X
14" X
Lighting: |
Led (20w, 12000k)
Lighting Schedule: |
on 0900, off 2100
Filtration: |
Plumbed to main sump by Maxijet 1200.
Settlement Details |
Date of Hatch |
Hatch Time: |
early morning near 0600 |
Fry Count:
( at Hatch ) |
over 200 |
Fry Count:
( at Settlement ) |
Hard to count as they are so active. Estimate 50-60. |
Fry Size: |
approximately 7-8mm |
Food: |
While in larval phase, fed nhbbs, occasionally some leftover rotifers. Later in larval phase given larger enriched brine shrimp and crushed flake. After settlement, crushed Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef flakes, and they scavenge any of the leftover frozen mysis fed to my banggai juveniles. |
Feeding Schedule: |
Once daily with brine shrimp. Once flake begun, fed twice daily |
Fry Description: (Pre Settlement) |
Free swimming larvae, drifting with current |
Fry Description: (Post Settlement) |
Appear as tiny copies of adult peppermint shrimp, actively climbing around sides & bottom |
Other Details |
Other Information: |
I expect the batch to settle over the next week, and then will move then to a growout setup. Any "late bloomers" that haven't settled by then will be moved to the growout as well.
**as of 8/26/13, no more larvae were noted. All were moved to grow out on 9/2/13. |