General |
Name: |
Jz Conrad ( jazzybio13 ) Site: Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) |
Species: |
Pterapogon kauderni ( Class: A, Points: 15 )
Link to Journal: |
Settlement Start Date: |
1 Days After Hatching
Settlement End Date: |
Tank Parameters |
Temperature: |
80 ° F |
PH: |
8.0-8.3 |
Specific Gravity: |
1.021-1.024 |
Size: (Gallons) |
2.5g |
Dimensions: |
12" X
6" X
Lighting: |
ambient light (from kitchen)
Lighting Schedule: |
ambient light source (from kitchen) on during the day, only occasional turn ons during the night.
Filtration: |
no filtration, I do 25-50% water exchange with the main 90g reef display tank until the babies are large enough to go into a flow through cage in the 90g.
Settlement Details |
Date of Hatch |
Hatch Time: |
1am |
Fry Count:
( at Hatch ) |
8 |
Fry Count:
( at Settlement ) |
8 |
Fry Size: |
~2-3mm |
Food: |
nhbbs, bbs, TDO-A and TDO-B1 |
Feeding Schedule: |
constantly. brine of both sizes are left in all the time, tdo is offered once a day. |
Fry Description: (Pre Settlement) |
miniatures of adults, fully formed- mouths, fins, colored stripes (mimicking adults). |
Fry Description: (Post Settlement) |
miniatures of adults, fully formed- mouths, fins, colored stripes (mimicking adults). Since they mature in fathers mouth, the day of hatch is their day of settlement! :) |
Other Details |
Other Information: |
Although babies are born already achieving a state of settlement, I chose to put this batch of babies settlement as 2 days after their 'hatch' date for a couple of reasons. 1) this was an incubation hatch and only about half of the eggs were 'open' the rest were still balled up, either way in both cases the babies or egg masses still had yolk sack bellies and 2) babies were not truly free swimming until after that second day post hatch. |