General |
Name: |
Daniel Walden ( waldend ) Site: Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) |
Species: |
Amphiprion ocellaris "Darwin black" ( Class: B, Points: 40 )
Link to Journal: |
Settlement Start Date: |
8 Days After Hatching
Settlement End Date: |
Tank Parameters |
Temperature: |
78 ° F |
PH: |
Not Checked |
Specific Gravity: |
1.024 |
Size: (Gallons) |
5g hex early hatches, 19G BRT later hatches |
Dimensions: |
13 X
11.25 X
Lighting: |
Small 50/50 power compact bulb
Lighting Schedule: |
12 on - 12 off
Filtration: |
Medium sized sponge filter
Settlement Details |
Date of Hatch |
Hatch Time: |
within 1 hour of lights out (10pm) |
Fry Count:
( at Hatch ) |
300+ (significant die-off first 12 hours) |
Fry Count:
( at Settlement ) |
~150 |
Fry Size: |
7mm |
Food: |
Rotifers, NHBBS day 5, pulverized flakes/pellets after meta. Later modified to Rotifers until Day 5 then transition to pulverized flakes/pellets. Complete by day 9. |
Feeding Schedule: |
Typically 7am, 5pm, 10pm, 1am |
Fry Description: (Pre Settlement) |
Visible eyes, mouth, and stomach. Overall torpedo shaped but a peanut like profile is seen from the top when larvae are fully fed. |
Fry Description: (Post Settlement) |
Regular clownfish proportions. Head bar visible. |
Other Details |
Other Information: |
I did ~ 20% water changes everyday or occasionally every other day. This was my first batch and I really had to do a lot of extra work from using such a small tank for them. Later switched to a 19G BRT and maintenance was reduced considerably on a day by day basis. |